Wellness Coaching


Joyful Wellness Coaching

As a health coach, I care about my clients. I care about their goals, their challenges, their progress, their health, their dreams, and their life.

Do you want to:

  • Lose or manage weight?
  • Improve eating habits and your relationship with food?
  • Enjoy more strength, ease and comfort in your body?
  • Make self-care a priority?
  • Learn how to meal plan, select recipes, and cook highly nutritious, delicious meals?
  • Nourish your body, regain strength and feel younger and more vital again?
  • Manage a newly diagnosed medical condition where a new way of living is necessary?
  • Create and fall in love with a flexible exercise program to support your time and health goals?
  • Explore mind-body practices including yoga and meditation to inspire inner wisdom?
  • Learn stress management tools to keep you strong and on your path?
  • Increase your energy level, passion, productivity and joy of living?

As your health coach, I will encourage you to push through boundaries and meet your goals week by week — no matter where in the above list they fall. I’ll celebrate with you as you succeed. I’ll stand by you when things get tough, help you to resource from within to find new strength, and hold you accountable to your intentions. I’ll guide you to the resources, food choices and lifestyle practices that make for lasting change. I’ll be a constant encouraging presence throughout your journey to a new and better you!

To learn more about the benefits of health coaching and how it can transform your life, contact me at 719-440-2815, or via email at [email protected], to schedule a 20-minute exploratory session today.

Our bodies are our gardens.
Our wills are our gardeners.

– Shakespeare

Joyful Wellness Health Coaching!

Health Coaching The Prime Time Way!

Two Month Coaching Program

Prime Time Health Coaching is ideal for those age 30 and older who want to take charge of their health, prevent disease, eliminate disability, and spend money on something other than prescriptions, doctors and hospital visits!

A program developed by the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, Prime Time Health is based on the secrets of aging gracefully and holistically through the Four Pillars of Health:

  • Lifestyle – How you live
  • Exercise – How you move
  • Attitude – How you think
  • Nutrition – How you eat

During your coaching program, you will:

Learn to live the L.E.A.N. Way!

  • Understand how your body changes during Prime Time, and what steps you can take to support health and vitality
  • Prevent disease and unhealthy aging by eating chemical-free, nutrient-packed, “food as medicine” super foods
  • Learn what foods, recipes and menu plans work best for your health challenges, dietary needs, aspirations and goals
  • Build collagen production and promote rejuvenation, glow and health to your skin – the largest organ of your body
  • Learn to be a savvy consumer and grocery shopper, selecting organic, chemical-free whole foods whenever possible
  • Become a Prime Time chef, cooking meals that nourish and revitalize
  • Reduce the risk of cancer, brain degeneration, and the “highs” including high blood pressure, high stress and high cholesterol
  • Exercise to build muscle mass and bone health, reducing the risk of fracture, injury, poor posture and pain
  • Become fit, strong, flexible, confident and comfortable in your body
  • Heal, regenerate and optimize the functioning of your body systems, including your digestive system
  • Stay actively sexual and intimate with your partner
  • Live a life of interest, longevity, creativity and adventure at Prime Time and beyond

Program Details

Your program includes:

  • An initial 90-minute intake session to learn your health concerns, current lifestyle, and nutrition habits, and ultimate wellness goals.
  • Six – 60-minute Prime Time Health Coaching Sessions, (three per month), in my studio, at your office, in the comfort of your home or anywhere you choose. Each session builds upon the next and includes healthy lifestyle, exercise, attitude and nutrition coaching, customized to your personal needs and goals. Please note: a nominal travel fee may be applied for home or office coaching visits. Distance coaching is available.
  • Weekly phone, text, and/or email accountability coaching check-ins between your physical coaching sessions to ensure on-going participation, progress, commitment and growth.
  • Weekly goal-setting based on the Four Pillars of Prime Time Health, (Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude, and Nutrition), monitored, celebrated and revised from week to week.
  • Mindful eating and living teachings where you will learn to develop an enjoyable yoga and/or and meditation practice, and develop skills to stay mindful and positive in a chaotic world.


Questions? Connect at 719-440-2815 or [email protected].

The services provided by Beth McCarthy Joyful Wellness are for information, education and inspiration purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, dietary supplement, exercise or other health program.